Earn money from Auto Surf Program

I've got this information from my little friend who had earned a lot of money from this Auto Surfjunky. I have not any idea when he told me he got a plenty of money but when he show me his afford result, then I've joined with surfjunky (from 1st August 2008) and here we are my statistic :

Personal Earnings

Activity Points: 28
Payment rate: $0.45 per hour
Hours spent surfing: 44.63

Your earnings: $20.08

Hello Bambang, we're glad to see you really do like to earn money! Below is your referral link and some quick tips to help you understand how to use Surf-Junky so you can maximize your earnings!

Your activity points: 28
Your current payment rate: $0.45 per hour
You only need 72 activity points to start earning $0.50 per hour!

Your link : http://www.surfjunky.com/

How do I earn money with my referral link?
Simply send your referral link to your friends and let them sign up. We will keep track of who signs up under you and pay you for their earnings!

How much do you pay for referrals?
Currently we pay based on the following payout scale.

Level 1 Referrals - 5%
Level 2 Referrals - 3%
Level 3 Referrals - 1%

How do I make money by surfing through sites?
Click on 'earn money' to your left and click on 'start the surf junky browser'. When the browser opens it will automatically start surfing through our sponsoring network of sites. You will start earning immediately!

Great job right, it's automatically when I switch on my Laptop everyday then I open surf-junky while I am doing my daily job. I did nothing about this, I just open this program and leaved that's good isn't it ? no need to clicknything just open then we earn money automatically.

Let's do it I know you could do well & earn a lot of money.

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