Interview Clothes

Interview Clothes - How To Create The Right First Impression At Interview by Catherine Z Jones

Did you know that your interviewers will form an impression of you within 3 seconds of meeting you and that if this is a poor impression, it's hard to shift, even if what you say is good?

If this is the case, and research says it is, you must make the right first impression. What interview clothes you are wearing is key to this. As they say, "you never get a second chance at a first impression" and in the case of a job interview, this might mean no 2nd chance at your dream job!

So make it count. Here's how:

Dress professionally and conservatively for every job interview, even if you know the working environment in casual and modern. It is okay to be overdressed but never ok to be underdressed.

This means ironing your interview clothes properly. You might be asked, not invited, to remove your jacket and regret only ironing the collar of your shirt/blouse.

Pay attention also to your general appearance.

Your hair should be clean and tidy. If it needs cutting, do this a few days before the job interview so you're comfortable with how it looks on the day.

Your nails should be clean and neat. You'll shake hands with your interviews and your hands will be on display the whole time in your job interview.

By all means wear jewellery but don't overdo it.

The same goes for perfume or aftershave and make-up.

Clean and polish your shoes. Even if your suit is top notch, dirty, unpolished shoes are a no-no.

All job interviewers will tell you they are more interested in what you have to say than in how you look but all will agree that a poor appearance can ruin a good interview. Don't let that interview be yours.

There's more advice on preparing for an interview here including further advice on interview clothes.

Solution To The Job Interviewer's

Become the Solution To The Job Interviewer's Problem
By: Carole Martin

Article Summary: There may be no such thing as the "perfect" job or the "perfect" interview, but when you change your attitude toward the interview, you have a better chance of having a "near perfect" interview.

The absolute worst way to go to an interview is with the attitude of: "Please, please - hire me."

When you go to an interview with that attitude you appear desperate. And even though you actually may be desperate in a difficult job market, you don't want to appear that way.

The demeanor and attitude that you bring to the interview will set the tone for the entire interview.

Let's look at it from the employer's/interviewer's point of view.

You are the employer and are seeking a solution to a problem. Your best sales person has just left and you have no one to cover the territory. You are hoping that you can find some who is capable to help you solve this problem. You are tired of interviewing candidates who seem to fall short. You would like to find a good person who can do the job and take over the problem. This will allow you to get back to your job to get on with your work.

And one afternoon a candidate walks in who appears to be confident, has a lot of energy, and who seems to understand your problem. This candidate is very personable and has a great attitude toward the type of situation you need to be filled. There is a real connection between the two of you. He "gets you."

The more questions you ask this candidate the more excited you become about his qualifications. He presents himself with confidence. He doesn't just say he's good at closing sales, he gives great examples of times when he not only closed sales - but he exceeded expectations.

You heart starts beating fast and you know that you have found the solution to your problem. He looks professional, he's prepared, he has stories to back his claims, and he has asked intelligent questions that demonstrate his interest in what you do.

This is the man you are going to hire.

But wait, there are some problems: he has a higher salary expectation than you budgeted for. You reason that you can handle that by using your "fudget factor" and finding some extra money somewhere else.

The other problem is this person has been out of work for a few months. Could this be a problem? You already have a problem - you don't want to hire another problem. When you question him he is sincere and honest. He's going through a tough time in a tough job market. You ask him why he left his last job. He explains very forthrightly that the company that he worked for went through several changes and he no longer fit into the culture. He didn't bad mouth the company or doesn't appear to be bitter about the situation. Since you've had a similar experience you can relate.

After spending an hour with this person you are sure you have found the right "fit" for not only you but for the candidate. Everything you have asked him seems to work with your company and culture. He seems to know what he is looking for and what he wants when you question him about his goals and why he wants to work for your company. This is important to you because otherwise he won't be happy working at your job and you will have to repeat this process again sooner than later - and you don't want that to happen. You want to hire a "solution."

You decide to check out his reference and if the comments are as positive as this candidate claims - then you will make him an offer.

Looking at the job process from this perspective you can see that when you appear desperate and aren't prepared with good answers, the interviewer will not get those positive vibes about you being the person to solve his problems. A desperate attitude and demeanor will work against you in the interview.

Negative thinking such as: "I'm probably not the "perfect" fit for the job, I'm over-qualified, or lacking in some of the skills," or "They probably won't like me," will sabotage your efforts to make a good impression

There may be no such thing as the "perfect" job or the "perfect" interview, but when you change your attitude toward the interview, you have a better chance of having a "near perfect" interview. And, a far great chance of finding the job that will satisfy your values and your needs.

Job Interview

Job Interview Pointers
By: Jorge Plana

Article Summary: Preparing yourself for a job interview. Questions and answers for Job interviews

When it comes to hiring candidate, interviewers focus on many aspects from personal appearance to the attire and behavior. Personal appearance does not mean only beauty but hygiene and neatness are of the same importance. Employers want to hire those candidates who will give their industry a good perception. This is the thing, which you should be aware of especially while you are giving interview. While giving interview you should be aware of whether you are dressed properly, either in pant or in suit. Also, make sure that your hairs are properly set. There are certain things that are mandatory for you to consider before preparing for a job interview:
Research the company:
This is one of the important aspects while preparing for a job interview. You may use various search engines on internet to explore the company. You must know about the company these important things:
- Company history, products, establishment
- Company’s growth, its extent and branches across world or country
- Current news about the company, or any revolution within the company
- Company management team whether it is global or national, company goal, its position in world rank and niche in market.
Research the designation for which you are applying:
Go through the job description, and all other contacts you have, company website will be helpful here:
- what exactly will be your job and what will be your position in company
- how were the previous comments on job
- any modification is done in this post in every manner

Practice the possible questions about yourself:
Think professionally and study your resume well, write down all the previous information regarding your school collage achievements and your native place specialties, certain questions that are common, you need to prepare them by heart. You may brows on various websites, they will make your work bit easy.
Be responsive:
Practice these questions by yourself quiet loudly so that you and interviewee will be comfortable. Try to be specific when you are answering, try to give supportive examples that will satisfy the interviewer. Be positive and speak truth at the same time do not confess about your past mistakes.
Attire for interview:
Be aware of what you are wearing, this is because your first impression is last impression. Wear professional cloths and have a proper hairstyle. Avoid strong perfume and heavy make up with jewelry. Try to look decent.
Be ready with questions for interviewer:
In most of the interviews interviewer gives you a chance to ask if him if you have any doubts. At this time you should prepare with at least one question, ask logical questions, your questions will also help you show your inquisitive nature as well as your interest in company.
What NOT to ask in interview:
While preparing for a job interview the last thing you should be aware is what the things you should not discus with interviewer, do not ever ask about salary and benefits directly to interviewer. These questions appear when company shows interest in hiring you.

Transcription Jobs

Medical Transcription Jobs
By: Jason Trusler

Article Summary: Future MT's Acclaimed Online Medical Transcriptionist Course Training puts students on Fast Track with Guaranteed Proven Results to secure Work From Home Jobs! Self-paced school & classes to guide you step-by-step to qualify for stay at home jobs!

There are many different places where you can find medical transcription jobs. One of the really great things about finding work after you receive medical transcription training is that you aren’t as limited in this field as you would be in most other professions. Even though you are competing with a lot of other qualified MT’s, there is a great need for people to fill positions all over the country and since you can work remotely, you don’t have to apply for jobs that are just in your immediate area either.

When you are looking for a job as a transcriptionist, one of the first things you will want to consider is how much training and experience you have. If you are just starting out, you may not be able to be as picky about salary and location. Once you have some experience and training under your belt though, you will have to decide which type of work location is best for you. One option is to work directly for physician and other medical professional offices in your area. With this option, you will be going to work much like any other job with a typical work week. The benefit is that you will have direct access to the staff if you have any questions and have your own space to work away from the distractions of home.

Another option for you, and one that is quickly becoming the most popular, is working from home. The benefit to working from home is that you can finish your work on your own time and have flexibility of schedule where you can still take care of the family and household if you need to. You also don’t have to worry about someone watching over you while you are working and you cut down on the commute! The downfall that some people find with this option is that if you are just starting out and have any issues or troubles, that it is more difficult to seek assistance. Another downfall is making sure you have the space and time with little or no distractions where you are able to complete your tasks. If you have a demanding household and are easily distracted, this might not be the option for you.

Becoming a medical transcriptionist opens many doors and many options. It is very important to look over the choices you have before you seriously consider which environment is best for you to work in. For more information, visit

Resume Writing Tips

Resume Writing Tips: How to Create a Powerful Opening Statement by Mary Elizabeth Bradford - The Career Artisan

Most professionals would love to land their dream job but when it comes to writing a resume that would qualify them to make the jump; they end up stuck with what to say and how to say it.

Not knowing how to create an interest-generating opening statement is a common problem and can quickly lead to job seeker discouragement before the job search even begins!

Here are 3 tips to creating a powerful opening statement that will quickly get you positive attention:

Tip #1 Do Create a Qualifications Summary

A qualifications summary should go at the very top of your resume. It does not explain what your professional objective or goal is, but it does give a clear and powerful overview of who you are and what you can do.

Why don't you want to use a professional objective? Because your resume needs to be focused on what you can do for a company versus opening with a statement that leans towards what YOU are looking for.

Tip #2 Create an Authentic Opening Statement

To maximize your focus and clarity try a simple writing trick: Begin to write about what you are doing when you are at your very best, followed by your other key strengths and attributes. Do not edit yourself as you freely write up to a page of information. After a quick break, return to what you wrote and begin to highlight the key words and phrases you feel are the most powerful. Your document should be reduced to about half at this point. After another break return to your document a second time and repeat this exercise. Now you have a powerful, authentic and compelling draft statement describing where you really shine!

Tip #3 Use Universal Language

Another common mistake professionals will make is to load their opening statement with industry jargon. Yes if you are a CIO, corporate counsel or a VP of Finance you have very specific language that you use. However your resume has to be written for multiple people in multiple departments. In many cases your resume is being viewed (and thus must be equally compelling) to directors of human resources, division presidents and various managers.

Scan your opening statement for red flags including acronyms that are not spelled out, information on specific companies, too much detailed technical information and sentences that are only decipherable to people intimately associated with what you do.

These key tips will help you to easily create an authentic statement about who you are when you are at your career best, and command the attention of the companies that are looking for someone....just like you!

Writing an Effective Resume

Writing an Effective Resume to Justify FullGet You Hired (Part 3) by David Chan

I'm constantly amazed to see how little effort some people put into either professional cover letters or a resume when looking for a job. The resume is the one piece of hard document that an employer has to find out more about you before they decide to further review your background and either phone screen or directly interview you face to face.

For those of you who are eBay shoppers, you don't know whether you should trust buying from someone you've never met. The good thing about eBay is their rating system and the ability for buyers and sellers to see each other's ratings. Think of a resume as your "trust" factor. A well crafted resume elicits trust and a projects capability / aptitude to the prospective employer. They have nothing else to go by, but you resume before they speak with you, so make the right first impression.

Clearly a resume should not be humorous, unless you are trying to get a job as a customer service rep at Disneyland. Think of it as a business document that promotes "you" as the product.

With that in mind, a resume should be:

Informative. It should list your relevant job experience. Relevant is the key word here. As I've said in a previous article, if you are looking to get a job as a telemarketer in a real estate company, your experience as a host or hostess for burger restaurant is irrelevant and very distracting.

Factual. The resume should be to the point and accurate. Misrepresenting your employment or education can even land you in jail. At a minimum, you could also be blacklisted by other employers, because if you are trying to get a job in a small industry, the word gets out pretty quickly.

An effective resume really takes some forethought and requires organizational skills. Here are 3 tips to get you started.

Organizational Tip #1: Gather the information you will need about your past experiences. Put it in a spreadsheet or just jot it down on a notepad. Put this information together before you actually start writing your resume. You'd be surprised to see how large your life experience really is. Think of this exercise as if you were preparing a meal. You wouldn't prepare a meal without a recipe!

Organizational Tip #2: Write down your relevant job experiences. Forget about the rest. This is especially true in today's market. We are in a down market. Companies are very specific about the individuals that they will hire. If you have primarily marketing background, but want to get into sales, you will have a harder time than positioning yourself for a marketing job. Although, marketing jobs in today's economy are generally the first to get squeezed ... more on this topic in a later article.

Organization Tip #3: Make sure your resume is current. I cannot tell you how many resumes that I've reviewed where the candidate put their current employment as 2005 when today is 2008. What a turn off. Some resumes I've seen even have overlapping dates of employment as "current". This faux paux presents the candidate as sloppy and careless and this resume will likely end up in the junk pile.

I have more organization tips on my next article. For now, just get started putting things down on paper or computer as accurately as possible.

Job Interview

Finding Success in a Job Interview
By: Susan Reynolds

Article Summary: In a job hunt, many questions come up. “What’s the right way…?” “How do I have to handle…?” “Do I have to…?” So, what is the “proper” way to handle an occupation hunt?

In a job hunt, many questions come up. “What’s the right way…?” “How do I have to handle…?” “Do I have to…?” So, what is the “proper” way to handle an occupation hunt? Many are concerned about how aggressive to be in following up once an interview has happened, and others are concerned about when it is the proper time to mail a thank you note. How do I respond? Do what you need to do to succeed, but don't forget your manners and grace.

Go and pursue making a successful contact with a firm only after you've completed your investigation and only if you suppose that your talents and skills would be a positive feature for their company. The best organizations require the best possible talent at their disposal, so they tend to be accommodating in any way they can. They many not know every idea and problem solution out there. Consequently, your ability to inform them of the potential payback will affect your capability to encourage them to mull over your involvement.

Preparation and evaluation is where you need to begin. What are the abilities you can put forward? Where is your area of expertise? Do you have any idea of what you can offer to society? Then, when you have answered those questions, research. Ask yourself which companies and organizations have growth potential and which ones are in need of skills that you can provide. Are you familiar with who, in each firm, are the efficient decision-makers that would take pleasure in the consequences of your assistance? Having contact with specific departments seeking help is of as much importance as talking with a human resources representative. They may be open to novel thoughts and answers because their requirements and potential might not have been reported to their staff recruiting sectors. Be respectful, but not timid.

In communication, the letter needs to be short and focused. Keep all email and phone messages concise, and make them clear and to the point. Have an opinion and express it.

But keep this in mind: It's not about you, it's about them! The resumes, cover letters, and other documents drawn up by job-seekers tend to specify in detail what they want or need. They tend to say anything from “to join a growing, thriving company...” to “utilize my skills and abilities”. How often does a hiring employer read the same script of commendable goals on hundreds of resumes? (That tells you your likelihood of getting in, doesn’t it?) I am aware that I have frequently expressed this to you on the subject of sincerely evaluating your ambitions and targets. Don't end there! Your profession exploration memorandum must articulate that your ambitions match your prospective employers’ desires.

It is hard to find a company that will hire anyone who does not either make the company money or save them money. This concept will always be the case, whether you are at the bottom or the top of the corporate ladder. All jobs have some role in the profitability or funding of a for-profit or non-profit organization. Can you complete your roles in the service-provision area of the company resourcefully? Can you provide your job services in the most cost effective way? The real question is can you contribute effectively and efficiently to the bottom line? How do you plan to present you potential contributions to the company of your prospective employer?

What is the best way to showcase your abilities in order to get hired? Highlight the contributions and constructive impact you’ll be able to make to the company, clearly. Keep in mind, this is not about you, it is about them.


5 Careers that stay strong in a recession

Article Summary: I believe that here in US we are in one of the worst economic times since the great Depression. Let’s face it the previous recessions were not caused by so many factors as this one is. We have the real estate market crises , the credit crisis, manufacturing industry sends more and more jobs overseas, unemployment rates are pretty high and on top of all this the gas price keeps on going up affecting almost every sector of our economy.

I believe that here in US we are in one of the worst economic times since the great Depression. Let’s face it the previous recessions were not caused by so many factors as this one is. We have the real estate market crises , the credit crisis, manufacturing industry sends more and more jobs overseas, unemployment rates are pretty high and on top of all this the gas price keeps on going up affecting almost every sector of our economy.
Not a very optimistic landscape. The biggest problem that we are facing is the lack of jobs. Years ago after you got a job you felt pretty secure for a while knowing that you’ll have an income. Nowadays we see a lot of companies contracting people only for short periods of time, cutting into the benefits packages or paid holidays.

What should you do in this situation? Are you laid off and looking for a career. You just finished high school and not sure what college or career you should follow? Here are 5 careers in which you are more likely to keep your job in though times where massive layoffs take place.
1) Nurse salary $55,000
As long as people get sick there will be a need for somebody to help them get healthy. Not only that this occupation is anticipated to be in big demand over the next 10 years but for the right people it can bring a lot of personal satisfaction in the process of saving lives or preventing illnesses.
2) Police Officer salary $49,000

In recession times people become more desperate. Crime doesn't stop in a recession actually it increases as unemployment rates rise. Layoffs in this industry are rare. When police officers lose their jobs because of budget cuts, it usually doesn’t take them too long to find a job in the neighboring cities because the demand for this kind of jobs is so high.
3) Teacher Salary $51,000

Education is one thing that people will look to achieve regardless if we are in a booming economy or in a downturn. The teachers can create a better future for our kids. In the uncommon case that a teacher is laid off, he can easily offer tutoring session until he finds a full time job again.

4) Environmental Engineer salary $55,000

Nowadays more then ever before we hear about the global worming, protecting the planet or “going green”. The demand for environmental careers like hydrologists, environmental chemists or ecologists is expected to increase over 25 % in the next 10 years. If you enjoy protecting the nature this career option is the perfect fit for you.

5)Government Jobs

Firings and lay-offs in the federal government jobs happens at just ¼ the rate in private sector which makes the government jobs some of the most stable. Even in hard economic times the government system must go on.

I know that by giving you these 5 recession proof careers I just scratch the surface trying to advise you as far as what career to choose. This might one of the most important decision that you may take so don’t rush , take your time in analyzing future career trends, how many opening a certain career has in your area and last but not least how much will you be making per year.

Improve Time Management

8 Tips to Improve Time Management
By: Matt Chang

Article Summary: You only have 24 hours in a day...make use of every minute of it!

Are you the person that can never get anything done? Do you feel like your work day is always moving faster than you can? Or are you the eternal procrastinator? Whatever the reason, there's never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. But, here's the good thing. There's tons of things you can do to improve your efficiency and gain back some of that lost time. Let's take a look at eight solid things you can do today to improve your work and time efficiency.

Just like they say at AA, the first step is to acknowledge that you have a problem. So, knowing that you have a time management problem and accepting it is the first step to improving it. So stop denying it and accept it.

The second step is to decide. You need to decide that you're going to do something about your time management. You can know you have a problem, and you can acknowledge that you have a problem, but until you decide that you're going to do something about it nothing else matters. Once you decide that you have a time management problem, you can move forward. Save yourself some goals that you can achieve. And in the same way that someone tries to lose weight, make sure the goals are actually achievable. Create some success but you can build on.

Number three, stick to your goals. The reason that you create a goal is so that you have something to hold yourself accountable to. If you can't secure goals, and you're not going to achieve anything. That's why it's so important to create goals that are achievable. Once you achieve those initial goals, you can raise the bar again and continue to strive to get better, and better. You also have to have a stick to it might set, you have to make sure you don't give up.

The fourth step is to create daily task lists. Creating a to do list for yourself is an easy way to properly manage your time. In fact, it is one of the easiest approaches that you can take. Outline what you need to do throughout the day. Be sure to list your tasks in order of importance. Every time you accomplish something, cross it off of the task list. Not only will this give you a sense of accomplishment, but you can see how you're getting things done during the day. At the end of the day create the new list for the next day. At the end of the week, create the new list for the next week.

Use time management tools. Properly managing your time is important, but it can be hard for many individuals to get use to, especially right away. If you are one of those individuals, you will want to consider using time management tools to your advantage. But make sure that the time management tools don't become time wasters. Your PDA, or your scheduler, should be used quickly and efficiently. Don't spend minutes and hours just messing around and tooling with it.

Learn to say no. In all honesty, there are times where you may not be able to refuse a project at work or a task at home, but try to not take on more than you can accomplish. If you must, look into using outside help. In the home, this outside help can come from a housecleaner. At the workplace, this outside help can come from a coworker. Remember, there is a nice way and a rude way to say no. But at the end of the day if you are the one that says yes all the time, you never get anything done for yourself.

Get organized. Organization is key to being able to properly manage your time. If you are unorganized, you are likely to waste a large amount of time. For example, in the workplace you can waste time by searching for lost or misplaced documents. The same can be said for the home; if you are unorganized, you can spend hours searching for your glasses or car keys. Look at your desk, lift your computer, and ligature filing system. If things are all over the place, you will have a hard time finding them and you will waste time. Take a few minutes at the end of every day to put things back where they belong to you can start your next day fresh.

Get a coach. Or get help. If you have that much to do, and you're super busy, it may make sense to hire someone to help keep you organized like an assistant, or if you're just having a really hard time keeping to your plan, a coach can help keep you accountable.

Put all of these steps to work and you are sure to see success! Remember, you only have 24 hours in the day so make use of every single minute wisely.


Everything You Need for Kiteboarding

In the twilight of a leaving century - the century of machines and rockets fragile creations made by humans soars up above the world. As a magic light of a guiding star, they attract a motley tribe of the madmen who burn their days in searches of new slidings. And if not today, then tomorrow they will help the most persevering at last to come off the ground. Who are they, these ancient birds who have taught people to dance with the wind? They are kites.

As a kind of sports kiting involves not only an opportunity to feel improbable pleasure of flights with a kite, but also an opportunity to experiment aerodynamic characteristics of kites.

Modern kite constructions make it possible to provide any way of transportation of the person. And it is not an exotic acrobatics, it is a kind of sports which is accessible to everyone and which provides fascinating, unforgettable and healthy rest for any person. Now this kind of sports is considered to be the sports of the XXIst century.

Kiteboarding is one of the most fashionable, bright and progressive currents in kiting. In a paradoxical kiteboarding remix one can find the diamond facet for the most outstanding cult-romantic kinds of sports-extreme activity: kitesurfing and windsurfing, kite landboarding and mountainboarding.

At our online kite shop you may find all the necessary equipment for kiteboarding: kite, harness and kiteboard. Lightweight and at the same time almost unbreakable construction of kiteboards guarantees reliability and durability of their usage. In addition if you are a beginner at kiteboarding invites you to visit an excellent kiteboarding school which provides very useful kiteboarding lessons.


Quad Biking and Clay Pigeon Shooting

Quad biking and Clay Shooting are enthralling and thrilling activities to rejuvenate your mood. Each sport boosts your X-factor to encourage you to cross your limits to take challenges.

All those lovers of dirt and adventure are big fans of quad biking. This activity becomes an ideal weekend activity whether as an individual activity or as a multi activity day for corporate events or stag and hen parties. It is an ideal outdoor sport to exhilarate your passion for driving and challenge your daring soul.

Clay pigeon shooting is another activity to increase your concentration and attentiveness. Clay Shooting calls for great calm concentration, which is something different for quad biking. A keen eye and quick reactions are another qualities required in shooting as well as biking.

There are many adventure sports clubs/ destinations which offer you a place especially designed for adventure sports like karting, clay pigeon shooting, river rafting, quad biking and other enthralling activities. They also provide you with all the required equipments for the activity like shotguns, bullets, quad bikes, full safety equipment, protective clothing, fuel and even insurance. To make your activity weekend more action packed and fun filled its best to book an event at a good multi outdoor activity destination. Many activity destinations like Southern Pursuits near Gatwick, West Sussex, offers online booking facilities at their official website to save your time and worries.

Its fantastic cross country trek facing steep lumps, bumps, diverse and challenging sporting targets, everything from fields to woodland are build especially for adventure sports.

Even if you have no knowledge of clay shooting or quad biking, their experts train you in special instruction sessions for beginners. After getting your skills polished you get ready to play your fun filled event activity. Every adventure sports destination or club have their own justified rules and regulation of age limit and others things associated with activity.

Always make sure to carefully read their regulations and insurance policy. To fill more fun into your vacations, you can also take help of an event advisor to plan your vacation and event activities.

Hall Of Fame

Hall Of Fame

Early Days as Thug
In his youth George was a troubling kid, who often bullied younger kids. In his 15th spring he became a feared street fighter in his neighbourhood and earned a reputation of a street brawler and thug. The turn around happened in Foremans life when police chased him, he hid himself in a house and used the filling of a broken sewage to cover the scent from the police dogs. Stuck in a desperate situation that night Foreman pledged for a better living for himself. He later came under the wings of Job Corps, a programme started to help the street kids by Lyndon Johnson. For this Foreman travelled to California. His fighting skills were culminated into art of boxing by Job Corps counsellor and Coach Doc Broaddus.

Impact in the Ring
Once he started to train, Foreman gradually created a name in the amateur boxing circle with an impressive record. For George, his big day arrived in Mexico Olympics in 1968 where he won a gold medal. He made his win bigger when he waved the American flag after his win which attracted a lot of attention across the world. A year after his win in Olympics, Foreman turned into a professional boxer in 1969 and within two years he was ranked No.1 by WBA (World Boxing Association) and WBC (World Boxing Council). In his impressive record of 37 victories, Foreman reduced his opponents into puppets- winning mostly by Knockouts. George Foreman hit the limelight in the world heavyweight championship arena when he was schedule to stand against the world favourite Joe Frazier in Kingston, Jamaica on January 22, 1973. George Foreman knocked out Frazier in the second round which was watched by television audience for the first time on HBO. He twice defended his title successfully, first knocking down Puerto Rican Jose Roman in 50 seconds and then won against Ken Norton in two rounds.

Rumble in the Jungle
Rumble in the Jungle a much hyped fight against Mohammad Ali in Kinshasa, Zaire was first delayed due to Foremans Injury but when he faced Ali he was knocked out. After this fight Foreman turned on and off from the ring but his 1994 comeback was significant for two reasons. Firstly, he was up against the new champion Michael Moorer and secondly he turned 44 at the time of the fight while Moorer was still 26. It took 10 rounds before knocking out Moorer to become the oldest fighter to win the heavyweight title. He retired from the boxing ring again in 1999 and stepped to a second career - Business. Foreman was nominated to the International Boxing Hall of Fame in January 2003 and was inducted in June, same year he was also named as the ninth greatest puncher of all time by Ring Magazine.


Football Favourites: The Old Firm

Loyal football fans are more likely to be familiar with the term ‘old firm' but for others the nickname is shrouded in mystery. For those of you who don't know, old firm refers to two rival Scottish football clubs, both based in Glasgow: Rangers and Celtic.

Traced back to the late nineteenth-century, the term ‘old firm' is also believed to refer, in part, to the financial benefits that were associated with the team's frequent meetings. These financial merits are still prevalent today; the old firm are major contributors to Scotland's economy and generate around triple the amount of revenue gained from the famous international festivals held in the capital city of Edinburgh each year.

Having won sixty-six Scottish Cups between them, the two Glasgow based teams dominate the Scottish football scene. Both clubs have a loyal following of supporters, ranging from the average schoolboy to celebrity figures like U2 front man Bono and Scottish actor Robert Carlyle.

Rangers was established first in 1873 and has since found its home at Ibrox stadium, one of only twelve European football grounds to be awarded five-star status by UEFA. There's plenty of room for fans and spectators as the stadium holds 51,114 at ground capacity, and with an average home attendance of 49,000 the space is definitely needed.

Celtic Football Club was formed shortly after Rangers in 1888 and only four years later Celtic won the Scottish League Championship.

Celtic park is home to the club, managed by Gordon Strachan, and is one of the largest football stadiums in Europe with room for 60,000 at ground capacity. Celtic's average home attendance stands 18% higher than Rangers at around 58,000.

Meetings between the two clubs are frequent as they usually compete against each other in the Scottish premier league. The teams have played each other on 369 occasions, drawing 92 of these matchesand seeing Rangers take the lead with 151 wins to Celtic's 136.

Old firm derby rivalry gives the games an extra sense of competitive spirit and the atmosphere of an old firm match is hard to beat. The city of Glasgow itself provides a welcoming environment for football fans from around the world and is a picturesque backdrop against which these two teams battle it out.

Glasgow is Scotland's largest city, with a population of around 580,000 and its position on Scotland's west coast means it is easily accessible by road, rail and air. Host to the 2014 Commonwealth games Glasgow has lots more to offer and football fans can easily lengthen their stay to take in the sights of this cosmopolitan city.

A bustling city at the best of times, having two rival and hugely popular teams in such close proximity means Glasgow hotels can get booked up quickly, especially around match days. It is highly advisable to book a hotel room well in advance and relax safe in the knowledge you have a place to rest your head after a hard day of football supporting!


Career Change to Lasers! by Amy Brevard

Entering the medical field is one of the surest ways of finding a secure career. Society will always need medical help. The medical field is constantly changing, with new spurts of job growth every day. What is one of the hottest career trends? Lasers, Nurse Skywalker.

Maybe attending laser school won’t be as exciting as watching Star Wars, but with the career income you’ll be able to afford endless sci-fi movies…

Laser Schools are popping up everywhere. The training is relatively short compared to other medical training, and the resultant career choices offer some nice pay. Laser Certifications are awarded to students who successfully complete the laser program. Then comes the bevy of career choices: Use lasers to sculpt bodies, remove acne, veins, and more.

Do you like to make people beautiful? If you are already in the beauty field, but would like to earn more money, laser training could be a wise choice. It could be a second career for hairdressers or spa specialists. Laser training is another way of helping people.

Does the thought of using a laser on someone scare you? A friend of mine went through a brief bout of fear with laser use. After several years working as a masseuse and hairdresser, she decided to increase her income through laser certification. But after learning how powerful the lasers are, she started to get nervous. The thought of accidentally harming anyone terrified her.

Thank goodness her laser school trained her so thoroughly, that her fear disappeared. She became a confident and skilled laser specialist, able to help people with many procedures.

Today she holds a well-paid position in a spa. She actually has one of the best-paying jobs in a town with a depressed economy. Smart she is. She understood that to make herself competitive among other beauticians, she would need something special. Laser certification did that for her.

What about using lasers on yourself? One payoff to laser training is the ability to give yourself laser treatment. Cellulite? You’ll know how to zap it. Don’t like your body shape? Just laser it away. The expensive price of laser treatment is a non-issue if you are able to do it yourself. Think of all the money you’ll save. Just don’t go crazy and laser your face away.

Of course you can’t laser your own face. Acne treatment would best be left to another professional, unless you are really good at handling mirrors… But with the connections you’ll make at your laser school, you are sure to find a friend who will laser you at a discounted price, or for trade. You laser my face, I’ll laser yours. Sounds like a nice exchange, doesn’t it?

If you are still laser-shy, think of the miracle that laser eye surgery is. People who have had it are amazed. Just amazed. It’s like their life starts over. Some of them could barely see before surgery. Lasers can do wonderful things for people.

But what about the moral quandary of lasering someone’s face to look drastically different? Are you just aiding their low self-esteem? Only you can decide if you want to be a part of that. However, many jobs within the medical field involve moral compromises. Consider the good you can do.

Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography: A Smart Career Move by Jessica Vandelay

Each year an average of 2.4 million weddings occur in the U.S. At an average cost of $27,852 the business of weddings is a lucrative one, representing a $50 billion industry annually. If you are looking for a great way to break into photography as a career, try wedding photography.

Wedding photographers must be competent photographers and use state-of-art equipment. Wedding photographers must be great at people skills and posing skills. Wedding photography is an art. To master it requires being familiar with the minor details, procedures and traditions that are tied up into this special day.

The first step in a strategic plan to become a wedding photographer is to determine your personal style. Wedding photography styles include posed and formal, relaxed, photojournalistic, creative, artistic, candid and traditional. You should also determine if you want to shoot in black and white or color or both. Read about the latest trends in wedding photography in photography magazines like American Photo, Photo Techniques and Professional Photographer and also in bridal magazines like Modern Bride, Martha Stewart Weddings and Brides magazine.

The worst mistake a photographer can make is trying to take professional photos with amateur equipment. There are several things to think about before purchasing camera equipment like lens, zoom, camera body, flashes and accessories. Photography magazines like Popular Photography & Imaging, Photo Techniques and Aperture over practical tips on how to choose the best equipment for your needs.

There are many ways to build a photography portfolio. Some practical ways to start working as a wedding photographer and gaining experience are: a) work at a photo studio b) be a photography apprentice c) assist an already established photographer d) take as many wedding photos for friends and families e) take photo classes and workshops.

Your portfolio, or collection of photos, is one of your best marketing tools. Be sure to present a body of consistent, insightful images that tell a story. Each photo should be able to stand on its own while also playing an integral part in the overall portfolio. In your portfolio presentation be sure to explain why you did what you did: lighting, poses etc. It is best to have about 50+ photos spanning an entire wedding day to present to potential clients. Make sure you put your portfolio in an appropriate binder, satchel or case.

The next step to establishing a photography career is promoting yourself. It is now essential to set up a website with a digital portfolio that includes referrals, contact info and general information on your style and rates. Some other ways to generate word-of-mouth publicity are to network with groups like the Wedding Photojournalist Association, display your work and business cards at bridal fairs and to tell everyone you know that you are in business. You may also want to advertise in photography magazines like Popular Photography & Imaging, Photo Techniques and Aperture and also in bridal magazines like Modern Bride, Martha Stewart Weddings and Brides magazine. It is also a good idea to advertise on websites like, and

Be sure to research and create your own contract. Some essentials for contracts are clearly stating what you will provide with dates; balance due and due date; how much time it will take; agreement to use an arbiter in case there is a discrepancy. Specify storage of images, provision of refreshments/meal on the wedding day. And a provision to provide a prorated amount of any part of the contract that you do not fulfill. Most importantly, pass your contract by a lawyer before you hand out to clients.